01563 572727


Providing for your family after you die can be a daunting and difficult topic to discuss. At Carruthers Curdie Sturrock & Co, our experienced Solicitors aim to provide you with a professional and friendly service, making the process as straightforward as possible.

Inheritance Tax planning

We take as much time as necessary when discussing your wishes and draft your will in a manner that reflects who you wish to inherit your estate, at the same time as providing you with legal advice on what specific family members are legally entitled to.

Minimising Inheritance Tax liability

If your estate is large, we can give general guidance on minimising any Inheritance Tax liability. If your circumstances are complicated we will liaise with your chartered accountant, financial adviser or other tax experts in addressing how to reflect any Inheritance Tax planning within your will

Contact our office on 01563 572727 to arrange a meeting to discuss the preparation of your will or the updating of an existing will or send us an email mail@carrutherscurdiesturrock.co.uk

Carruthers Curdie Sturrock & Co.
1 Howard Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 2BW
Tel: 01563 572727     Fax: 01563 527901
Email: mail@carrutherscurdiesturrock.co.uk

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